Measurement and Assessment of Residential IAQ

Underfloor ventilation of Residential Houses

Application case

Underfloor ventilation of Residential Houses

Some houses have ventilation opening the underfloor to ensure proper airflow. However, it is known that corrosion or termite damages due to underfloor humidity largely depend on the location environment. The Underfloor ventilation is therefore becoming more and more important for house builders to guarantee the quality.

For diverse underfloor ventilating conditions by their location, the house builder has been studying the method of switching natural atmospheric convection/auxiliary fan system. For this study, measurement accuracy for very low air velocity (less than 1m/s) is a key point. We have spherical probes which can capture the window accurately and they are efficient for measuring under the environment that wind direction is always unstable.

Measurement and Assessment of IAQ in Comertial and Public buildings.

Separation of Smoking and Non-Smoking

Application case

Separation of Smoking and Non-Smoking

In recent years, there has been a growing needs of preventing second-hand smoke. Under such a situation, it started that consulting services on how to separate smoking and nonsmoking areas. Generally, the Light Scattering Dust Monitor is used to measure the smoke-smoking effect, but in the case of necessity for more accurate measurement, our Piezo-Balance Dust Monitor with little influence of the physical properties of dust is greatly effective.