Our corporate philosophy “Pursue Creativity and Innovation” is an integration of the philosophy of foundation “Pursue Creativity” and the idea of “Innovation”, which we introduced as an important concept at the inception of a new management setup.

“Creativity” is the manifestation of creative force, and is an exciting word for us, meaning producing original products, services, and technology. It is our wish that we will continue to treasure this concept as our raison d’etre.

Meanwhile, we have social responsibilities as a company and need to fulfill the expectations of our stakeholders. If we pursue nothing but unique product lines, we might end up taking more risks than necessary, which could threaten the future of Kanomax.This is why we added the concept of “Innovation” to our corporate philosophy. “Innovation” not only means dramatic changes but also refers to the tireless efforts being made to improve effciency and effectiveness in small every day matters, as we believe that “God is in the details”. We are aiming to become a group that bears a core philosophy that reflects this.

Kanomax will continue to make innovations every single day, aiming to be the best in order to produce unique original products, as indicated in our corporate philosophy


Our corporate vision comprises four statements. A corporate vision generally undergoes a transformation as the social background, business environment, and management values changes. However, we believe it should be based on an abiding philosophy. Our corporate philosophy is an integration of the spirit of foundation and the belief of the management team, which is responsible for the group’s future. Four corporate vision statements are an evolved, future-oriented vision of the philosophy of foundation which facilities inheritance of this philosophy with pride.

  1. We will contribute to the development and sustainability of people and society through ultimate precision measurement solutions.
  2. We will build character with our pride and aspirations in precision measuring as an essential tool of industry and science.
  3. We will dedicate ourselves to creating the ultimate customer satisfaction as a professional group of global scale.
  4. We will create a corporate community that is exciting to all the stakeholders.


Kanomax is an ISO 9001 / ISO14001 certified company. Kanomax management, production, calibration and service procedures adhere to these international quality standards. Downloads available.